After two years of work, the Advancing Personal and Household Services (Ad-PHS) project reached its end, so it is time to discuss its results. During the event, it will be possible to dive into the importance and the challenges of Personal and Household Services through interactive simultaneous round tables and a final panel discussion with proposals for the future and political response.
In the past 22 months, the AD-PHS project has conducted research and raised awareness on the state of play on PHS policies in 21 EU Member States and developed tailored guidance for public authorities and key stakeholders on crucial issues, such as rights & obligations of workers and employers, professionalisation, voucher systems, etc. The project has also investigated the severe disruption to services caused by the COVID-19 crisis.
In the introductory session, after a video-message of Commissioner Schmit, Jean-François Lebrun (PHS specialist)will summarize the issues at stake in the PHS sector. EASPD, as project lead-partner, and IWAK, as a scientific partner, will present how the project has addressed the different challenges and especially the results of the just-finished research on the impact of the COVID crisis.
14:00-14:40 – Introductory session
Interpretation will be provided in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish and captioning.
There will be the possibility of choosing simultaneous round tables focused on specific topics. In both options, for each topic, there will be at the end a Q&A session and a short debate.
The round table 1 “The fight against undeclared work in the PHS sector” will be moderated by Gianluca Pastorelli, executive president of Diesis Network. In this session, project partners will illustrate the guidelines drafted on three main topics:
Concrete examples of good practices such as the Belgium voucher system, the use of digital platforms in PHS, and Italian cooperatives providing social services will be illustrated by their protagonists. Participants will then have the possibility to ask questions and to debate on tools and national examples to fight against undeclared work in the PHS sector.
14:40-16:10 – Simultaneous round tables
Round table 1: The fight against undeclared work in the PHS sector
Moderated by Gianluca Pastorelli, Diesis Network
Interpretation will be provided in English, French, Italian, German and captioning.
There will be the possibility of choosing simultaneous round tables focused on specific topics. In both options, for each topic, there will be at the end a Q&A session and a short debate.
The round table 2 “Social rights for PHS workers ” will be moderated by Mary Catharine Breadner (Uni Europa). In this session, project partners will illustrate the guidelines drafted on three main topics:
Several concrete examples of good practices, such as the Italian new agreement on social rights of domestic workers, the French online declarative platform CESU, the tools to professionalise PHS workers in the Basque country and in France will be illustrated by their protagonists. Participants will then have the possibility to ask questions on the examples presented and to debate on rights of workers and employers and the importance of professionalisation for PHS workers.
14:40-16:10 – Simultaneous round tables
Round table 2: Social rights for PHS workers
Moderated by Mary Catharine Breadner, Uni Europa
Interpretation will be provided in English, French, Italian, Spanish and captioning.
Finally, after enjoying one of the two round tables options, we will proceed with a panel discussion with proposals for future and political responses. AD-PHS partners representatives will present their recommendations to EU institutions and ask for comments and suggestions to European decision-makers. . The panel will be moderated by Nicolas Vincent, a journalist specialized in European affairs.
Moderated by Nicolas Vincent journalist specialised in European affairs
Ad-PHS recommendations to institutions representatives,
Responses and comments by European decision-makers,
Concluding remarks by the moderator
Head of Unit Social investment strategy – DG EMPL – European Commission.
Specialist on personal and household services (PHS)
Secretary-General – EASPD
Director of Property Services & UNICARE – UNI Global Union – Europa.
President – EFFE | President – FEPEM
Managing Director and a Senior Expert on Social Economy and Social Entrepreneurship – Diesis Network
Director – EFSI
General Delegate – EFFE
Research Development Officer – EASPD
Policy Manager at EASPD
Regional Secretary – UNI Europa
Executive President – Diesis Network.
Global Coordinator for UNICARE – UNI Global Union
Research associate – IWAK, Goethe-University of Frankfurt
Regional Secretary ACV Food and Services
Political Secretary Tourism sector, EFFAT
General Secretary, EFFAT
Managing Director – IPERIA
CEO Grupo S.S.I. and General Secretary – EFFE
Vice-president – EFFE | Vice-president – Assindatcolf
Head of Communication Department – ACOSS
CEO – Sodexo Childcare Domain | President – EFSI
Public Benefits & Transformation Office Director – Sodexo
European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights
President of CECOP-CICOPA | Member of the EESC
Journalist specialised in European affairs
Political introduction, Commissioner Schmit
EASPD Handelsstraat / Rue du Commerce 72 B- 1040
Brussels - Belgium -
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Ad-PHS - Grant agreement no. VS/2018/0344.
This project is co-funded by the European Union.
Copyright © *Ad-PHS-Project - 2020, All rights reserved.