Giuseppe GUERINI

Giuseppe Guerini President of CECOP-CICOPA Europa the European Confederation of Industrial Cooperatives and Social Cooperatives, representing some 50,000 companies with more than 1.3 million workers in Europe, member of the Board in CICOPA and Cooperatives Europe.
Presidente Confcooperative Bergamo – he is a member of the Boards of Confcooperative Lombardia and Confcooperative Italia. He is also a member of the Board of the AICCON research center and of the Social Impact Agenda for Italy.
Member of the EESC (European Economic and Social Committee) since September 2010, just reconfirmed for a new mandate, has been dealing in particular with the social economy and social enterprises, employment and labour and finance for SMEs and social enterprises. During the mandate some dossiers in tax matters with particular attention to VAT and taxation issues for new forms of the digital economy. He was a rapporteur of opinions on Artificial Intelligence and the Blockchain and distributed ledger technology as an ideal infrastructure for Social Economy.

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